Plegma Labs Team
Nikos Ipiotis
Chief Executive Officer
Nikos holds an MSc in International Business Administration from Westminster University and a BSc in Business Administration from The American College of Greece. Some career highlights include: BizDev @Velti, a leading global technology provider of mobile marketing and advertising solutions, from startup to Nasdaq. Founded and exited a Greek social gaming network. Investor/Director @Warply a push-marketing cloud-based toolbox that enables brands, agencies and publishers. Investor/Director @CCS Digital Education, an industry leading e-learning technology provider. Organizer @Aephoria.NET an incubator for sustainable businesses, and mentor @Metavallon, an early-stage entrepreneur mentoring program.
Athena Katsaris
Athina holds a Degree in Computer Science from the Athens University of Economics and Business, specializing in software development. She joined Plegma Labs through the University’s internship program and quickly advanced to become a partner, a member of the Board of Directors, and Head of Platforms. Athina has proven expertise in the deployment and integration of third-party components and tools, ensuring seamless interoperability across all systems. She is also highly skilled in maintaining stringent data security and privacy standards throughout the platform. Finally, Athena oversees Plegma Labs’ onboarding and orientation process.
Michail Savvakis
Michail holds a Degree from the Department of Information and Communication Systems Engineering, the University of the Aegean. He has joined Plegma Labs as a full-stack IoT software developer, leveraging his past experience in developing complex IT projects including sensor data, web & mobile platform delivery, Natural Language Processing and chatbot applications etc. Michail has recently assumed the position of Head of Product.
Stelios Kalogridis
Stelios holds a MSc in Geoinformatics and a MEng in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens. He has joined PlegmaLabs as Head of Operations, assuming the leading role in project management, leveraging his 10+ years of experience in Project Management having managed numerous R&D and commercial ICT projects mostly focusing on the energy sector and IoT technologies. Stelios is also appointed as an external expert evaluator by the European Commission.
Spiros Chadoulos
Spiros holds an MSc in Computer Science and a BSc in Management Science and Technology from the Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB). He is currently a Ph.D. candidate at AUEB working on machine learning applications for smart energy grids. After joining Plegma Labs through the university’s internship program, he worked as a Data Scientist tackling renewable generation and demand forecasting problems with deep learning solutions, while part of his work was incorporated in his MSc thesis. He has experience in research Horizon Europe projects and has recently become a partner.
Ioannis Karkanias
Software & AI Engineer
Ioannis holds a PhD in Experimental Particle Physics from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and an MSc in Elementary Particle Physics from Durham University (UK). During his doctorate Ioannis worked as an author of ATLAS, currently the biggest particle physics experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, researching the application of modern Machine Learning methods within the statistical computation pipelines in search of exotic physics interactions. At Plegma Labs, Ioannis’s work involves developing software and implementing custom AI Computer Vision models.
Vassiliki Missiri
Software Engineer
Vassiliki is awaiting her MEng in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens and has joined Plegma Labs as a Software Engineer. Her main work focuses on producing backend code that creates web servers, facilitates seamless communication with both SQL and NoSQL databases, and delivers the necessary endpoints for the frontend, as well as organizing databases and building efficient server architectures, developing microservices and APIs, ensuring the smooth integration of third-party services into Plegma’s products. She brings valuable experience in DevOps pipelines and is proficient in deploying containerized applications using Docker.
George Lame
Full-stack Software Engineer
George holds a BSc in Software Engineering from the University of Thessaly and has joined our team as a Full Stack Software Engineer. Applying his knowledge of various technologies George helps build great user experiences, while levereging his proven track record of collaborating closely with cross-functional teams, including designers and UI/UX researchers, to ensure alignment with business objectives.
Panagiotis Chrisomeris
Panagiotis holds a MEng in Electrical and Computer Engineering from National Technical University of Athens and has joined Plegma Labs as a Research Engineer. Leveraging his past experience in Horizon EU Research projects, Panagiotis mostly focuses on developing container orchestration tools such as Kubernetes, and performance optimization and Machine Learning inference applications over Cloud and Edge networks.
Sotiris Athanasoulias
Sotiris holds an MSc in Artificial Intelligence and Adaptive Systems and a BSc in Computer Science Artificial Intelligence from the University of Sussex. He has joined Plegma Labs as a Machine Learning Researcher and he is currently pursuing a PhD in collaboration with NTUA working on the GECKO project as an Early Stage Researcher. Using cloud computing and big data technologies, analyzing energy data from a large number of households and creating transparent machine learning models, Sotiris will try to drive his research towards a more sustainable society.
Dimitris Vranopoulos
Dimitris holds a BSc in Economics from the London School of Economics and an MBA from Columbia Business School. Dimitris is an angel investor in technology startups. Previously, Dimitris worked as an Executive Director in the European Sales team of the Securities Division of Goldman Sachs. From 2001 to 2004, he was an investment banker with Salomon Smith Barney / Citigroup in London. Dimitris is currently advising on the formation of the Action Finance Initiative, a non-profit organization which aims to kickstart micro-finance in Greece.
Dr. Manthos Bimpas
Manthos holds a Ph.D. from the National Technical University of Athens. He has been successfully involved in many European projects dealing with sensors, security, telematics, energy, IoT, communication systems and data processing. He has actively participated in more than 30 EC-funded and national projects during the last 15 years. He has published noumerous articles in Scientific Journals and Conferences on sensor-related topics and has acted as a reviewer in journals on the same topic. He is currently also acting as an expert EC reviewer and evaluator.