e-PIOTIS: energy oPtimization of building IOT Infrastructures in a Stratified way
PLEGMA has been awarded cascading funding from the PLATOON Open Call in order to conduct the e-PIOTIS project. The e-PIOTIS project aims at developing and demonstrating a holistic AI-enabled Energy Management System (EMS) for building and district-level energy efficiency, management, and maximization of RES utilization. The proposed toolbox will leverage the recent advancements in AI to conduct: a) Individualized high-granularity building and district-level energy and heat demand forecasting, b) HVAC optimization in buildings for increased RES penetration, and occupant thermal comfort, based on air quality, and occupancy data from IoT sensors, as well as RES generation forecasts, c) District-level energy optimization and scheduling with demand response actions based on district-level demand forecasts. The AI-enabled toolbox will optimize the energy consumption & reduce costs on both building and district levels while taking heavily into account the occupant comfort and heating conditions in order to collectively achieve greater levels of energy efficiency and carbon emission reduction. For more information on our new research project please click here.